Fasting from ability

I’m giving up being competent for Lent.
Shoulder surgery. One arm taking a Sabbath.
I enter the company of the disabled,
the wilderness of powerlessness,
a Lenten fast from being able,
a shedding of self-sufficiency,
the spiritual practice of going slow,
the discipline of humbly depending.
I can’t do this by myself,
most to the point of Jesus’ teaching.
I am the traveler in the ditch,
dependent on Samaritans.
Others grow food for me, drive for me,
zip my coat for me, die for me.
I am provided for. Everything is a gift.
This is my Lenten fast:
Be, without doing.
Trust, without proving.
Receive, without deserving.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording.

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